To show support for the ‘Surfers Against Sewage’ campaign, Reuben, Charles and Netty, newly elected Havant Green Party Councillors, organised a local ‘Paddle Out’ off Hayling Island. They want to, once again, highlight the issues around concerns for cleaner waters of our coast and estuary. They wish to promote the success in achieving ‘Blue Flag’ status at Hayling Island beachlands area. However, it would be fantastic if water quality standards could be raised throughout the Borough’s coastline and estuary.
Joined by locals, they aimed to highlight the ongoing issue of sewage discharges from Budds farm and the risks it can bring to sea users. Clean Harbours Partnership (CHP) tested water samples from Langstone and Chichester harbours, in November.
‘One site showed 760 times the maximum level of E. coli that would be allowed if it was a bathing area’, CHP said.
CLLR Reuben Mychaleckyj quotes “After door knocking hundreds of residents around the area, sewage and clean waters was the number one issue raised. We want to show our support for a quicker resolution to the problem and let residents know that we’ll do everything within our powers to make our waters safe and healthy once again”.
CLLR Charles Robert quotes. “We have such a beautiful coastline right on our doorstep, and it’s a concern that a number of residents feel apprehensive about entering the water along some parts of the coast and estuary. Parents should not have to deliberate as to whether to keep their children from entering the sea and we are hopeful to find a way forward, with energy and ambition, brought by the newly formed Coalition leading Havant Borough Council.”
Southern Water said it was ‘investing £22m to increase capacity at Budds Farm, reducing the risk of discharges into Langstone Harbour’.