Our Councillors

Cllr Grainne Rason
Emsworth Councillor (2023-)
Havant Green Party Membership Officer
I am Grainne Rason and I am the Green party councillor for Emsworth. It takes time and training to become more effective as a councillor so I wish to continue in the role to capitalise on what I have learnt about how to negotiate and work with other councillors and officers to get the best for the Environment and deal with the threats to species extinction. I have been working hard for local residents on matters such as the threat of development to greenfield sites, and Southern water’s plans for using Havant Thicket reservoir. I sit on the council Planning and Audit and Finance committee meeting and the Climate Panel. I am a member of Emsworth Community Centre and am working closely with Emsworth Residents Forum on strategy planning for better community facilities for North Emsworth including active travel and youth activities.

Cllr Reuben Mychaleckyj
Emsworth Councillor (2024-)
Social Media Manager
I’m really proud to have been selected as the Green Party candidate for our beautiful Emsworth Ward in the May 2024 elections. You may recognise me litter-picking with my kids on the school run down the Emsworth road in the mornings. Here are some reasons why I think you should give me a chance in the next local elections.
I’m a small business owner and third generation Ukrainian, born in Lancaster and moved down to this incredible part of the country seven years ago. I’ve seen first hand the outpouring of love and ongoing support for the people of Ukraine in this area and it gives me belief that great things can happen when people come together in tight knit communities.
I’m a keen surfer and love swimming in the sea, so it’s of great concern to me and many other residents about the cleanliness of our waters. I’ve been closely following the Havant Thicket reservoir plans to add recycled sewage water to our drinking water, and have been voicing concerns at local meetings as much as possible. Also I would want to campaign to get these companies to face more regulations, so they can’t just keep flooding our seas with untreated sewage water every time there’s a storm. We need to take back control of our waters.
So far in the last year I’ve been out supporting our incredible NHS workers and teachers on their strike days. These vital institutions affect every single person in this country and they are being run into the ground by this Government.

Cllr Charles Robert
Emsworth Councillor (2024-)
I am proud to be selected as a candidate for the Green Party in Emsworth. I moved to Emsworth 10 years ago for its open spaces, sea, meadow and woodlands; everything is within walking distance. I was a science teacher for 18 years, then developed ICT in a number of London schools. Now I am a mountain leader and volunteer with our local scout troop. I love walking whist sharing my passion and expertise for our native plants. I am keen to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists on the A259, and challenge the dumping of sewage in our harbour.

Cllr Netty Shepherd
Hayling East Councillor (2024-)
Havant Green Party Co-Coordinator
I’m really proud to have been selected as a candidate for Hayling East in the May ‘24 Elections.
I’m passionate about Hayling Island having lived there for the past 30+ years. I have 2 school age children and am deputy chair of their school PTA. Over the past 2 years I’ve been involved in a lot of fundraising activities to help enrich the school curriculum.
My career has been mostly in IT and I’ve spent the past 20 years in Telecoms in various sales and marketing roles. The big thing my career has taught me is that relationship building is the key to success in every sphere.
After a period of redundancy, I founded Wildflower Island a project for improving the bio-diversity of Hayling Island and protecting our green spaces. In 2019 our team planted 3500 native spring flowering bulbs outside Mill Rythe school and secured funding for Mengham Infant School’s Community Garden. I am now working with HBC on a community garden project at Avenue Road, North Hayling and am really excited about the possibility of including a wildlife area and community raised beds.
I am very concerned about the housebuilding developments that are taking place on greenfield sites across the Borough. We need affordable housing, but it needs to be built in the right locations – not on areas prone to flooding or whose infrastructure can’t cope.
I think we should restart water quality testing as a matter of urgency, we need to know when raw sewage is going into our harbours and rivers – it’s a matter of public health.
Green councillors work hard and I plan to work hard for the residents of Hayling East.
Our Members

Natasha Parker
Havant Green Party Co-Coordinator
I grew up on Hayling and have now chosen to raise my two daughters here. I’m a primary school teacher and in my spare time, I love to be out exploring our beautiful natural environment. Recently, I’ve been a volunteer in local tree planting projects and I’ve also signed up to work on the new Avenue Road community garden. As a concerned beach user, I became a regular beach cleaner and started the Plastic Free Hayling Island campaign in 2018.
I came into politics because I feel that the Island we all love is under threat; with each passing year, Hayling appears even more forgotten and neglected. It’s clear to see there’s a lack of investment in sea defences and flood prevention, and our infrastructure is beyond capacity.
We know that voting for Green councillors can help change all of that. We want to listen to and work with residents, to bring fresh ideas and ambitious solutions to solve Hayling’s issues. Let’s protect Hayling, our beautiful Island, together.